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Sunday, July 09, 2017

How to split String if it contains period symbol (.) in between?

Question: How to split String if it contains period symbol (.) in between?

I have to write a program which takes file name with any extension as a parameter and it should return the extension of that file.

For Example:
If input parameters are as:
               input_1 =
               input_2 = userList.xlsx

Output would be:
              output_1 = .properties
              output_2 = .xlsx

Code Snippet:
Currently, I am using split() function with the regular expression ("."), of String class to achieve this as mentioned below:

                        String fileExt = getExtenstion("");
                        System.out.println("Extension of File : "+fileExt);

                        public String getExtension(String fileName)
                                String tempArray[] = fileName.split(".");
                                 String fileExt = tempArray[1];
                                 return fileExt;

When I executed this program I got, "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" for yellow highlighted line of code as mentioned above.

Please help me out to get this code corrected. Thanks in advance.

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  1. Hi,
    In the section "String tempArray[] = fileName.split(".")" need to add '//'. So the code will be as below-

    public String getExtension(String fileName)
    String tempArray[] = fileName.split("//.");
    String fileExt = tempArray[1];
    return fileExt;

    1. Hi Akshay,

      You are very close. I think you mistakenly write '//' in the above code. Actually, we have to use "\\" symbol instead. Because whenever I tried to run above code I got, "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" error again. Please recheck your code.

      Correct Code:
      String tempArray[] = fileName.split("\\.");

  2. Here is the correct and code without any error or exception:

    String fileExt = getExtenstion("");
    System.out.println("Extension of File : "+fileExt);

    public String getExtension(String fileName)
    String tempArray[] = fileName.split(".");
    String fileExt = tempArray[1];
    return fileExt;
